Eric O. Jacobsen & Sara Joy Proppe
Podcast Hosts
TRailer - Introduction to Season 4
Jeremiah 29:7 calls us to seek the welfare (shalom) of the specific places to which we have been called. During Season 4, we will be exploring what this means for pastors and other leaders as they seek to be faithful to this challenging mandate. In this trailer, we introduce our theme and we introduce our listeners to our new partners from Ormond Center at Duke Divinity School. Josh Yates is the Executive Director and Chris Elisara is Studio Lead and Senior Fellow for Placemaking.
Josh Yates, Executive Director of Ormond Center
Chris Elisara, Studio Lead and Senior Fellow for Placemaking
Links to resources and terms from this episode:
Ormond Center at Duke Divinity School
Jeremiah 29:7 “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Key Terms
Built Environment