Proximity Project | Twin Cities, MN

Sara Joy Proppe

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Episode 12 - Leaning into your church’s embedded identity

How can a church leverage its geographical location to bless the community that surrounds it? In episode 12 we wrap up Season 1 by talking with Sara Joy Proppe, co-host for The Embedded Church Podcast, about her educational and consulting work with Proximity Project. Proximity Project is built on the conviction that the church, as an institution and as individual members, has a unique and important role to play in exemplifying the truth, beauty, and goodness of Christ incarnate to the world around us. The mission of Proximity Project is to help churches serve the common good by stewarding the built environment of their neighborhood.

Connect with Sara Joy directly at “sarajoy at”


Links to resources and terms from this episode:

Organizations / Websites

Proximity Project

Books / Media

A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander, et al.

The Architecture of Happiness by Alain De Botton

Suburban Nation by Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck

Sidewalks in the Kingdom by Eric O. Jacobsen

The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler

Home from Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler

Happy City by Charles Montgomery

Walkable City by Jeff Speck

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf


Built Environment


