Season 3: Reading with Eric & Sara Joy


Episode 5 - The Death and life of great American cities

Who is a bigger fan of Jane Jacobs? In Episode 5 of Season 3, listen to Eric and Sara Joy wrestle that one out as they discuss Jacobs' pioneering work in her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

In this episode Eric interviews Sara Joy about Jane Jacobs’ book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Written in 1961 this book represented a scathing critique of orthodox city planning from an unexpected source. Jane Jacobs was neither an architect nor a trained planner, but she was a keen observer of how cities and neighborhoods actually worked. She had the patience and instinct to look for the complex order at work within what appeared to be chaotic urban environments. And, she had the gumption not only to engage the ‘experts’ in a male dominated field, but to challenge some of their most sacred principles.

She writes in an engaging, disarming style and invites the reader to meet the people she knows and to love the places she loves as she describes the fundamental principles behind cities that are alive.

Jane Jacobs Linocut Print by Eric’s son  @PeterJacobsenArt

Jane Jacobs Linocut Print by Eric’s son @PeterJacobsenArt
