Immanuel Baptist Church | Chicago, IL
Pastor Nathan Carter
Episode 7 - What exactly is an embedded church?
What distinguishes an embedded church from a regional church, an insular church, or other geographic models? In this episode we meet Nathan Carter who is a pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Chicago. Nathan discusses how Immanuel Baptist reflects the characteristics of an embedded church, while also sharing about the unique challenges his church has faced with regards to parking and city zoning requirements.
Connect with Nathan by email at “info at” or follow him on Twitter @IBCNathan

Links to resources and terms from this episode:
Organizations / Websites
RLUIPA (Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act)
Books / Media
Center Church by Timothy Keller
Citizenship Papers by Wendell Berry
The Connecting Church: Beyond Small Groups to Authentic Community by Randy Frazee
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs
Preaching to a Post-Everything World by Zack Eswine
Sensing Jesus: Life and Ministry as a Human Being by Zack Eswine
Tradition, History, and Sequoias by Wilfred M. McClay
The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
key terms