Outside the Box: Placemaking & Gospel mission beyond the church walls
Bonus Episode - A podcast collaborative with device & virtue
In this bonus episode, Eric and Sara Joy talk with the co-hosts of the Device & Virtue podcast about how the church builds memories and the role of technology in this space. It’s a podcast inside a podcast.
Memories help people establish identities and build communities, and physical places are fertile ground where memories take root. But are new digital spaces uprooting our memories, or giving them new soil to grow in?
As Christians, God consistently calls us to remember all that he has done and the ways he has been faithful. How can we root our memories in physical places and digital spaces, and cultivate the benefits of both?
Hear stories of churches that have established creative practices that both embrace lament and celebrate God’s healing. If your church wants to build memory and community through digital and physical spaces, check out this episode!
Adam Graber, Device & Virtue Co-host
Adam (MA Digital Theology) is a consultant in Digital Theology with Leadership Network and FaithTech, and a coach at Wheaton College’s Center for Faith & Innovation.
Adam researches and writes on emerging technologies, and consults with Christian leaders on digital spiritual formation. He has developed tech courses for Northern Seminary and Fuller Seminary.
Chris Ridgeway, Device & Virtue Co-host
Chris (MA Theology & Culture) writes and speaks at the intersection of technology and theology, communications & ethics. He’s worked in Microsoft certified consulting, in executive leadership for Christian non-profits, marketing & communications, pastoral ministry, and as an academic researcher for biblical scholar Scot McKnight.
Chris wrote a cover story for Christianity Today magazine on Fixing Our Privacy Settings proposing a Christian ethical lens for digital privacy.